Displaying 1111 to 1120 of 1192
10 Feb 2015
Gold And Silver vs Fiat Money: It’s A Confidence Game
What do loss of confidence, loss of faith in financial systems, and pervasive lies have to do with gold and silver? The answer begins with: Gold is far more truthful money – central banks can’t print it or create it from “thin air.” (Read more) -
04 Feb 2015
16 Investment Insights – Money, Markets, And Metals In 2015
This is a summary of the key investment insights from 6 top fund or money managers, as well as top traders, including Jim Rickards and Ronald Stoeferle (well known in the precious metals community worldwide), during the quarterly Incrementum Advisory Board. (Read more) -
03 Feb 2015
SILVER EAGLES vs GOLD EAGLES: Two Charts You Have To See
There are two charts every precious metals investor needs to see. The U.S. Mint is celebrating its 30 year anniversary producing Gold and Silver Eagles and if we look at the sales data of these two Official precious metal legal tender coins going back to 1986, there are some interesting trends worth looking at. (Read more) -
31 Jan 2015
BIG TROUBLE FOR U.S. GOLD MARKET: No Available Supply When Price Skyrockets
Americans are in big trouble and they don’t even know it. The financial system in which they are totally invested, is heading towards an epic collapse. Printing money and increasing debt (exponentially) are not sustainable business practices. (Read more) -
28 Jan 2015
U.S. gold exports to Hong Kong and China jumped significantly in October. Not only were U.S. gold exports strong in October, they were the second highest for the year. Shipments of gold out of the U.S. spiked in January, declined in February and March and remained subdued during the summer months. (Read more) -
15 Jan 2015
U.S. MINT 2015 SILVER EAGLE SALES: Start Off Strong
Sales of U.S. Mint Silver Eagles started off strong this year with 3.6 million sold in the first two reporting days of 2015. (Read more) -
03 Jan 2015
GLOBAL SILVER DEMAND GROWTH: Coin & Bar Take First Place By Wide Margin
When it comes to global silver demand growth over the past decade, the coin and bar investment category is the big winner. Unfortunately, the media tends to focus on growth of industrial silver consumption, while investment demand continues to take a back seat. (Read more) -
30 Dec 2014
Foreigners Remove Most Gold from US Since Just Before 9/11!
It was just disclosed today by the Federal Reserve that foreign nations repatriated a shocking 1.52 million oz of gold from the US in November – gold that was being stored in the vaults of the New York Fed (Read more) -
18 Dec 2014
U.S. Gold Exports Jump 70% In September
According to the USGS most recent data, total U.S. gold exports increased significantly in September. Not only did U.S. gold exports surge in September, they were 70% higher than the previous month. (Read more) -
29 Nov 2014
The Royal Canadian Mint just released their figures for the quarter showing record Silver Maples sales for the year. Sales of Silver Maples weren’t as strong in the third-quarter compared to the same period last year, but they outperformed Silver Eagles in percentage terms. (Read more)