Displaying 121 to 130 of 1192
08 Nov 2023
Peter Spina - Warning Signs Are Flashing to Get Gold (Opinion)
SBTV spoke with Peter Spina from Goldseek and Silverseek dot com. Peter's insights are leading him to let us know that without question there are warning signs flashing all over the place and all over the world to get gold and get it now.
28 Oct 2023
Tom Luongo - The Gutting of America (Opinion)
SBTV spoke with Tom Luongo from Gold Goats 'n Guns and it's a keeper. Tom has a no holds barred approach where he calls a spade a spade and is not shy to call it as he sees it. Isn't this how it should be?
27 Oct 2023
Platinum: Facts about this Extremely Rare Metal that Might Surprise You
Of all precious metals on Earth, platinum is arguably the one that has the most range of applications. It is used in semiconductors, glass-making, jewelry, and is indispensable in catalytic conductors. This article takes you through the history of platinum, and covers some lesser-known facts about this metal.
25 Oct 2023
Craig Hemke - Another Gold and Silver Fake Out? (Opinion)
SBTV spoke with Craig Hemke from the TF Metals Report. Craig discusses the price variations and fluctuations with precious metals as of late. With that, and the current geopolitical environment we are in, are gold and silver ready to rise and maintain...or is this another precious metals fake out?
25 Oct 2023
Singapore’s Success Story
How does a small country with no natural resources transform itself into a global financial center with a world-class airport and first-world amenities? We examine some of the decisions made by the Singapore government over the years to find out why they've worked, and how they have contributed to Singapore becoming one of the richest countries in the world.
21 Oct 2023
Vince Lanci - The Bigger Picture of Silver Part 2 (Opinion)
SBTV spoke with the precious metals professor Vince Lanci from Arcadia Economic's SilverFix. Vince lays out the bigger picture of silver for all of us to understand. Again, all I can say is not even the moon has enough rabbit-holes to go down on this one. This is the second part of our interview with Vince Lanci and his ground breaking work.
19 Oct 2023
Vince Lanci - The Bigger Picture of Silver Part I (Opinion)
SBTV spoke with the precious metals professor Vince Lanci from Arcadia Economic's SilverFix. Vince lays out the bigger picture of silver for all of us to understand. All I can say is not even the moon has enough rabbit-holes to go down on this one. This one is a winner winner chicken dinner. Be sure to watch it!
16 Oct 2023
Mario Innecco - It All Comes to Gold (Opinion)
SBTV spoke with macroeconomics analyst Mario Innecco about the current state of the economy including gold, stagflation, and how the house of cards is ready to fall. This and more including the unavoidable topic of CBDCs and how it will be used. An amazing future lies ahead, be sure to watch this interview.
12 Oct 2023
Peter Grandich - What's Wrong With America? (Opinion)
SBTV spoke with former Wall Street head of investment strategist Peter Grandich. Peter is a man that is in the know and he laid out what we all need to know including what's wrong with America? There are some things you can't just hide. Come hear what Peter had to say.
11 Oct 2023
Conflict in Israel leads to gains in Gold and Silver, safe-haven assets
Prices of traditional safe-haven assets have seen a bump as markets opened this week, with gold posting a sharp increase in the market due to the Middle East conflict.
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