Displaying 571 to 580 of 1192
27 May 2020
Michael Pento - Make No Mistake, This Is A Depression
SBTV speaks with Michael Pento, Founder of Pento Portfolio Strategies, about the worsening state of the global economy. With 30 million people made jobless within weeks, Michael has no doubt that the economic depression is here.
20 May 2020
David Stockman - Massive Stampede Into Real Money As Confidence in Keynesian Regime Evaporates
SBTV's latest guest is David Stockman, the former Director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Ronald Reagan. David believes confidence in central banks is waning and will culminate with a massive stampede into real money - gold and silver.
15 May 2020
Periods of Bullion Shortages Can Upend I.O.U Storage Systems, Make Sure You Are Not Using One
The topic of gold and silver shortages used to be regarded as sensationalistic forecasts by gold bugs or relegated as events that are highly unlikely to happen... until 2020.
13 May 2020
Luke Gromen - No Region Will Be Left Unscathed When Debt Bomb Explodes
SBTV's latest guest is Luke Gromen, founder of FFTT, LLC (Forest for the Trees). We discussed the massive debt hole the Federal Reserve will need to fill and why a bond auction where the Fed is the sole buyer is increasingly a likely scenario.
08 May 2020
Basics of Testing Gold & Silver and Identifying Fake Bullion
In this video, we put the knowledge and principles behind gold and silver testing in your hands.
06 May 2020
Jeff Deist - Nationalization of Industry Has Begun With Fed Buying Corporate Bonds
SBTV speaks with Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Institute, about why the shutdown of the U.S. economy is unjustified and how nationalization of industry has begun with the Federal Reserve starting to buy stocks.
29 Apr 2020
Tuomas Malinen - We Are In Stage 2 of the Five Stages of Economic Collapse
SBTV speaks with Toumas Malinen, CEO of GnS Economics, as we walk through the five stages of collapse that is unfolding right now. We ask Toumas why we are already in stage two of the collapse and what the coming stages will look like.
22 Apr 2020
Rick Rule - Time to Exit Gold & Silver and Precious Metals Stocks At Least 18 Months Away
SBTV's latest guest Rick Rule, President & CEO of Sprott USA Holdings, believes that individuals should 'reset' themselves to become antifragile during such times of fragility and shares a ton of gold and silver knowledge that should not be missed.
19 Apr 2020
How a Crisis Impacts Physical Gold & Silver
Learn about how the current Covid-19 crisis is impacting the physical gold and silver markets in the premiums for bullion, physical shortages and new record highs in the gold silver ratio.
15 Apr 2020
David Morgan - 5000-year Record High In Gold Silver Ratio Forecasting Worst Financial Crisis Ahead
SBTV welcomes back David Morgan, Silver Guru and publisher of The Morgan Report, as we discuss how the record high in the gold silver ratio is no coincidence. Rather, it is forecasting the worst financial crisis ahead.
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