Displaying 291 to 300 of 434
12 Aug 2020
Gold & Silver Industry Simply Lacks Capacity to Handle Mass Market Coin Buying
SBTV spoke with Bron Suchecki, Precious Metals Analyst with ABC Bullion, about how the physical gold & silver markets are now exerting more pressure on the paper markets with physical bullion prices bifurcating from spot prices.
05 Aug 2020
Kevin Smith - Silver Bull Market Taking Off From Extremely Low Valuations
SBTV spoke with Kevin Smith, Founder of Crescat Capital, about how the entire precious metals industry is less than 1 percent of the global stock market cap. The bull markets in silver and precious metals equities are beginning from extremely low valuations.
30 Jul 2020
Gregor Gregersen - Silver's True Value Hidden As It is Mispriced By Orders of Magnitude
SBTV's guest this week is Gregor Gregersen, founder of systemic wealth protection specialist Silver Bullion and The Safe House vault in Singapore. Despite the rally in silver prices recently, Gregor has no doubt that silver is grossly mispriced compared to the massive global debt.
22 Jul 2020
Chris Powell - Growing Signs That Central Banks Are Preparing For Dollar Dissolution
SBTV spoke with Chris Powell, Secretary/Treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA), about how manipulators of the gold price can be defeated and the signs that global centrals could be preparing for a world without the dollar.
15 Jul 2020
Collin Kettell - Gold Reaching All-Time Highs But Not Enough People Are Paying Attention To It
Our latest guest is Collin Kettell, Founder of Palisades Goldcorp, who sees a great disconnect where gold prices are likely reach all-time highs but not enough people have paid attention to this sector. Collin further lays out the huge opportunity in gold and silver mining stocks that could see astronomical gains with higher gold prices.
08 Jul 2020
Jim Paterson - Epic Disconnect: Takes Risks and Decades to Mine Gold Versus Instant Money Printing
Our latest guest is Jim Paterson, CEO of ValOre Metals Corp and Co-Founder of Discovery Group. We asked Jim about the health of the gold mining sector and the disconnect between the many decades taken to mine gold compared to how quickly the Fed is able to print money.
01 Jul 2020
Chris Vermeulen - Silver Exits Bear Market Once It Goes Above $21
SBTV speaks with Chris Vermeulen, Chief Market Strategist with Technical Traders, about the usefulness of technical analysis given manipulated markets and why Chris believes that market fundamentals don't work when it comes to trading.
24 Jun 2020
Mark Valek - Revaluation of Gold Higher an Option Central Banks Increasingly Cannot Ignore
Returning SBTV guest Mark Valek, co-author of the In Gold We Trust report, shares with us why we will witness the dawn of a golden decade and how the unsustainable debt levels makes revaluing gold higher an option central banks cannot ignore. Otherwise, the market will make this decision for them.
17 Jun 2020
Kenneth Ameduri - Biggest Gains In This Gold and Silver Bull Market Come In the 9th Inning
SBTV's latest guest Kenneth Ameduri, Chief Editor of Crush The Street, reminds investors to be patient as the biggest gains in this gold and silver bull market will come only in the 9th inning... and we are probably only in the 4th or 5th right now.
04 Jun 2020
Lynette Zang - Pandemic Is A Great Cover For A Financial System Reset
SBTV spoke with Lynette Zang, Chief Market Analyst at ITM Trading, about where the world is headed to from this crisis and how gold and silver are the best assets to protect wealth during these times.
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