Displaying 1121 to 1130 of 1192
20 Nov 2014
Dollar is The Weak Spot for US-Paul Craig Roberts
Former Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says all U.S. financial policy revolves around propping up the dollar. Dr. Roberts contends, “I’ve always said the whole system is rigged. (Read more) -
20 Nov 2014
U.S. MINT REPORTS ON SILVER EAGLES: Huge Demand & Weekly Rationing
After the huge take-down in the price of silver on October 31st, demand for Silver Eagles skyrocketed. Then on Nov. 5th after silver was knocked down another 5%, the U.S. Mint suspended sales of Silver Eagles. (Read more) -
13 Nov 2014
PRIMARY SILVER MINERS: Losing Nearly $3.00 For Every Ounce Of Production
With more than half of the primary silver miners financial results for the third quarter finally out, the group is now losing nearly $3.00 an ounce at the current market price of silver. (Read more) -
11 Nov 2014
CENTRAL BANK INSANITY: The More Yen Japan Prints, The Lower Price Of Gold…Until???
Yen weakness is relative dollar strength is gold weakness…or said otherwise in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. If the correlation hasn’t become obvious by now…the carry trade around the Yen and the BOJ’s plan to depreciate or bust seems to have rather outsized impacts across the market spectrum. (Read more) -
11 Nov 2014
Hyper-Printing The $100 Federal Reserve Fiat Note vs Gold
The amount of leverage in the U.S. Dollar fiat currency system reached an all time high in 2013. Even though the growth in total U.S. currency more than doubled since the collapse of the Housing and Investment banking system in 2008, the majority of the increase was from just one bill in particular. (Read more) -
06 Nov 2014
Plunging Gold Price Has Mining Companies Selling at Loss
The latest decline in the price of gold is saddling higher-cost producers with losses on every ounce mined, and pushing others to the brink of also slipping into the red. (Read more) -
06 Nov 2014
U.S. MINT SILVER EAGLES SOLD OUT: Reported 2 Million Sold In 2 Hours
The U.S. Mint announced to its Authorized Dealers that its was sold out of its Silver Eagle inventories after the price of silver fell to $15 today. (Read more) -
27 Oct 2014
CHINA 10,000 TONS OF GOLD RESERVE? Could Have Been Done With Ease
Since August ’11 to August of ’14, China has decreased its holdings of US Treasury debt by <-$9> Billion (according to the most recent TIC data)…while continuing to run record trade surpluses with the US. (Read more) -
23 Oct 2014
While the Fed and Western Central Banks continue to prop up the entire market, investors took advantage of the manipulated low silver price by purchasing a record amount of Silver Eagles in October. (Read more) -
17 Oct 2014
SILVER MINER SUSPENDS SALES: 35% Of Production Due To Low Prices
The first primary silver miner in the industry just announced that it suspended sales of silver during the 3rd quarter due to the low market price of silver. (Read more)